Ecuador Haiti Columbia Peru Bolivien Brasilien Süd Brasil North Malawi Mosambik Kenya Benin Guinea Djibouti Papua-Neuguinea Philippinen Laos Nepal Bosnia Jordanien Usbekistan Kirgistan Kasachstan Ukraine Moldavia Romania

Bosnia, Europe


Bosnia, Europe

The progress of the work in Bosnia has been stagnating a bit during some years. But last year the projects got some new drive and we could deliver another side fence to Bosnia in autumn 2014.
Phase2: concentration, consolidation, spread of the floorball virus Start2005 (before the foundation UfS) Team missions2007, 2008 LocationsSarajevo, Bugojno, Banja Luka, Srebrenik, Tuzla, Ilidza, Travnik, Fojnica, Sanski, Most, Jajce
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