Ecuador Haiti Columbia Peru Bolivien Brasilien Süd Brasil North Malawi Mosambik Kenya Benin Guinea Djibouti Papua-Neuguinea Philippinen Laos Nepal Bosnia Jordanien Usbekistan Kirgistan Kasachstan Ukraine Moldavia Romania

Papua New Guinea, Asia


Papua New Guinea, Asia

Silvan from Switzerland, Jukka from Finnland and Danny from the USA brought a floorball-set to Lae. They started trainings with men at the age between 15 and 24 years. They live on the street, have been addicted to drugs or are discharged from prison. They worked on a sugar cane plantation in the morning and had a training and a match in the afternoon.
The floorball set is still used for a regular sports afternoon.
Phase1: Sowing of the floorball-virus Start2008 LocationsLae
 All countries


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