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Peru, South America


Peru, South America

In 2013 we started the first team operation with trainer courses in Lima and Trujillo. A few years earlier a floorball basis set founds the way to the state in the andes. One year later a second trainer course followed. The first trainer course in Lamas, near Tarapoto, were hold in 2015 from trainers from Trujillo. One year later a team traveled to Lamas and holds the second trainer cours. A few sport students were within the trained coaches. In August 2016 local coaches holds a trainer course in Chimbote for the first time. There we have supplied four new projects with floorball material.
Actually there are floorball projects in Lima, Trujillo, Huariaca, Tarapoto, Lamas, Arequipa and Chimbote.
Phase2: concentration, consolidation, spread of the floorball virus Start2013 Team missions2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019 LocationsLima, Trujillo, Huariaca, Lamas, Tarapoto, Chimbote, Arequipa
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Team operation 2015



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